
Sheryl Burns - Elite Netball Coach & Trainer

With a rich tapestry of achievements and experiences, Sheryl Burns stands out as a beacon of excellence in the realm of sports. Her journey, marked by dedication, passion, and an unwavering commitment to excellence, has seen her wear multiple hats - from an elite athlete to a high-performance coach.

Athletic Achievements

Silver Fern Legacy: As a former Silver Fern, Sheryl has represented New Zealand at the pinnacle of netball, showcasing her prowess and dedication to the sport. This experience has not only honed her skills as a player but also provided her with invaluable insights into the demands and expectations of elite-level netball.

Triple Threat: Beyond netball, Sheryl's athletic versatility is evident. She has been a triple representative for New Zealand in Surf Life Saving and Basketball, in addition to Netball. This multi-disciplinary exposure has enriched her understanding of sports dynamics, team cohesion, and individual performance.

Coaching Credentials

High Performance: Sheryl has taken the reins as Head Coach in the prestigious QLD Hart Sapphire Series, QLD Regional Academy, NZ National League and NZ Championships. Under her guidance, the teams have imbibed her ethos of hard work, committing to high levels of skill and strategic knowledge whilst dedicated to working in a positive learning environment.

A Quarter Century of Coaching: With an impressive 25 years of coaching experience under her belt, Sheryl has mentored netball players across various levels. From grassroots club netball to high-performance teams, her coaching journey spans two nations - New Zealand and Australia. This vast experience has equipped her with a deep understanding of player development, tactical strategies, and the nuances of the game across different cultures and competitive levels.

Philosophy & Approach

Sheryl believes in a holistic approach to coaching. Drawing from her experiences as an elite athlete, she emphasises the importance of mental fortitude, physical conditioning, and technical proficiency. Her coaching style is a blend of nurturing individual talents while fostering a cohesive team environment.

In entrusting your netball journey to Sheryl Burns, you're not just getting a coach; you're gaining a mentor with a lifetime of elite sports experience, ready to guide, inspire, and elevate your game to new heights.



Peak Performance Pack