9 Drills for Improving Passing Accuracy in Netball

9 Drills for Improving Passing Accuracy in Netball

*Image Credit: The Times UK


Netball is a fast-paced sport that requires strong passing skills and accuracy. As one of the main methods for moving the ball down the court, having solid netball passing technique is essential. This article will cover the top 10 drills coaches recommend for improving a player's passing accuracy in netball.

Whether you want to work on chest passes, bounce passes, or overhead passes, incorporating targeted passing drills into training is key. We will overview proper passing stance and footwork, drills for passing on the move, and tips on developing passing vision to see openings on the court. Advanced players can also use these netball drills to improve passing under pressure and test their abilities by increasing speed and distance.

With a bit of hard work and consistency using these top 10 passing drills in training, netball players can gain the skills needed to execute pinpoint passes nearly every time. Developing this passing consistency leads to better ball movement, more scoring chances, and increased success on the court. 

1. Chest Pass Drill

Aspect Details
Objective Improve quick, short-distance passing using chest pass technique
Key Points Proper stance, W formation hand position, wrist snapping, arm extension
Drill Variations Partner drills, passing in triangles, varying speed/distance/direction
Advanced Techniques Focus on passing vision, alternating lead hands

The chest pass is one of the most common passing techniques used in netball for making quick, short distance passes. Having proper chest pass form and technique is essential for developing passing accuracy and consistency.

Start in the correct netball passing stance with feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent, and weight evenly distributed. Extend your arms straight out in front holding the ball with hands behind the ball in a W formation. Push the ball out from your chest snapping your wrists and extending your arms fully on the release.

Use partner drills and passing in triangles to practice chest passes on the move. Vary the speed, distance, and direction of the passes to improve netball passing under pressure. Work on keeping your eyes up focused on the receiver rather than the ball to develop better passing vision and awareness.

Target passing drills using walls or rebound nets are also great for improving chest pass technique and accuracy. Focus on proper follow through, arm extension, and snapping the wrists on release. Work both sides by alternating lead passing hands to build passing consistency.

Over time, high quality repetition of the chest pass using these netball drills will lead to pinpoint accuracy and success moving the ball up the court.

2. Bounce Pass Drill

Aspect Details
Objective Mastering bounce pass technique for quick ball movement past defenders
Key Points Athletic stance, solid bounce creation, two-thirds release point
Drill Variations Side shuffle, fake passes, passes on the run, one/two-bounce sequences
Advanced Techniques Disguising passes, developing wrist/arm extension

The bounce pass is an important passing technique in netball used to move the ball quickly past defending players. Mastering the proper bounce pass form and execution is key for developing top-notch passing accuracy and ball movement.

Start in the athletic passing stance with knees bent and weight balanced. Push the ball to the floor to create a solid bounce while stepping forward. Release is key - aim to have the ball leave your hands two-thirds of the way to the receiver to create an optimal bounce.

Practice bounce pass variations like side shuffle passes, fake bounce passes, and passes on the run. Test your skills with partner drills using one-bounce and two-bounce sequences. Work on disguising your passes and looking defenders off to improve passing under pressure abilities.

As you work on bounce pass drills, focus on developing proper wrist and arm extension on release. Generate power from your legs and core by getting low in your stance. The more solid the pass, the better the completion ratio will be. Use rebound nets or walls to work on accuracy.

Incorporating these key bounce pass drills into training will lead to crisp, fast passes that can unlock a defense. Having this passing weapon in your arsenal is essential for excelling in netball. 

3. Overhead Pass Drill

Aspect Details
Objective Developing strong overhead throw for long, fast court passes
Key Points Athletic stance, ball grip, arm full extension, wrist snap
Drill Variations Passing to stationary/moving targets, smaller target precision
Advanced Techniques Overhead passes on the move/jumping, passing vision

The overhead pass in netball requires proper technique to execute accurately. Developing a strong overhead throw is crucial for making long, fast passes up and down the court.

Start in an athletic stance with feet shoulder-width apart and knees bent. Bring the ball behind your head gripping it with hands spread wide for stability. Release the ball with a full extension of the arms, snapping your wrists for added power and spin.

Practice the overhead pass to both stationary and moving targets. Work on hitting targets at various distances and angles to improve overall passing accuracy. Test your precision by aiming for smaller targets requiring more precise aim.

You can also practice overhead passes on the move and even while jumping to simulate the fast pace of a netball game. Focus on keeping your eyes up and keyed in on the receiver's movements throughout the throwing motion. Solid passing vision and awareness separates the top players.

Mastering overhead passing technique through targeted repetition is crucial. Consistently executing pinpoint overhead passes will make you a huge asset for advancing the ball up court.

4. Target Passing Drills

Aspect Details
Objective Hone technique and precision by hitting stationary/moving targets
Key Points Consistent accuracy, different scoring zones, partner movement patterns
Drill Variations Hitting angles on the move, sprinting while maintaining mechanics
Advanced Techniques Set up target cones/markers, practice hitting specific court locations

One of the best ways to develop pinpoint passing accuracy is to practice hitting both stationary and moving targets. These target passing drills are fantastic for honing netball technique and precision.

Begin with simple drills like throwing chest passes to hit a wall target or aiming for a rebound net. Work on consistent accuracy before moving to more complex drills. Designate different scoring zones on the wall to challenge your precision.

Gradually increase the difficulty by passing to a partner who moves randomly or in specific patterns. Call out passing directions and lead your target to develop critical passing vision and communication skills. Having a partner hold a target hand pad is also great for working on aim.

For advanced players, set up target cones or markers on the court and practice hitting different angles on the move. Sprint to simulate real game pace but focus on maintaining proper mechanics. Work on pinpoint passes to lead a moving partner to specific court locations.

Mastering these target passing drills is crucial because executing accurate passes under pressure separates the top playmakers. Develop this consistent precision through regular training.

5. Partner Passing Drills

Aspect Details
Objective Build passing skills through realistic, high-repetition partner drills
Key Points Various pass types, movement incorporation, defensive assessment
Drill Variations Give-and-go drills, triangles with multiple partners, varying speed/direction
Advanced Techniques Unique challenges (behind-back, no-look passes), creativity in passing

One of the best ways to build passing skills is by working with a partner. Partner passing drills allow you to get high repetition in a realistic setting to develop accuracy.

Start simply by facing a partner and calling out different types of passes - chest, bounce, overhead. React to the passes, working on clean catches before returning the ball. You can add movement by shuffling side to side or front and back.

Progress to more complex sequences such as give-and-go drills or triangles with multiple partners. Vary speed and direction while focusing on proper technique and form. Great passers keep their heads up, constantly assessing the defense.

Test your passing prowess by executing unique partner challenges. Try tricks like behind-the-back passes, no-look passes, or passes between the legs. How creative and accurate can you complete these complex sequences?

Sharpening your skills with intelligent partner passing drills will rapidly improve connectivity on the court. Master these drills to take your team passing game to the next level.

6. Passing Footwork Drills

Aspect Details
Objective Enhance footwork and balance for accurate passing, especially on the move
Key Points Side shuffles, running passes, ladder/cone drills
Drill Variations Shuffling and passing, timed footwork with passing, agility training
Advanced Techniques Precise foot placement at varied paces, coordination improvement

Having proper footwork and balance is crucial for executing accurate passes in netball, especially on the move. These passing footwork drills will help build this foundation.

Start by practicing side shuffle passes back and forth with a partner. Concentrate on keeping your shoulders square and getting low in your athletic passing stance as you push off each foot. Work both sides to prevent favoring one lead foot.

Once you can shuffle smoothly, try passing on the run to really simulate game pace. Time your last two strides to set your feet before releasing the pass. Keep practicing at faster speeds but don't let your technique deteriorate.

Agility ladder and cone drills are fantastic for improving coordination and foot speed needed to pass accurately on the move. Concentrate on precise foot placement as you navigate the ladder at pace. Have a partner lead you with passes to various spots.

Building this passing footwork foundation through intelligent drills gives you the tools to execute pinpoint passes even when pressured. Master these skills to take your netball game to the highest level.

7. Passing Under Pressure Drills

Aspect Details
Objective Execute accurate passes despite tight marking and game-like pressure
Key Points Technique under defense, quick decision-making, defender distraction
Drill Variations Defensive pressure simulation, agility drills with passing off a mark
Advanced Techniques Full court partner passing against simulated double team, go-to moves to beat defenders

Being able to execute accurate passes despite tight marking is what separates elite playmakers. These passing under pressure drills will sharpen your skills.

Start by having a partner defend you at 50% intensity. Work on proper technique like stepping away or pivoting to create space. Increase intensity to game speed focusing on quick decision making and release.

Add multiple defenders to simulate the chaos of a real game. Scan the court to spot the open player but don't let the pressure speed up your process. Master the skill of looking off defenders before hitting your target.

Agility drills like dribbling through cones then passing off a mark are fantastic as well. Concentrate on selling your fake before exploding in the opposite direction. Develop go-to moves to beat defenders.

As you get more advanced, try full court partner passing driving up the court against a simulated double team. Focus on timing and teamwork to move the ball ahead under tight pressure.

Executing accurate passes despite swarming defense is critical in netball. Regularly test and build this skill through intelligent passing under pressure drills.:

8. Passing Consistency Drills

Aspect Details
Objective Develop repetitive accuracy on passes for various pass types
Key Points Target passing stations, technique review, varied pass characteristics
Drill Variations Sequences requiring different pass types, target hitting, speed adjustments
Advanced Techniques Game pace simulation, managing fatigue, tracking progress over time

Developing repetitive accuracy on passes is vital for excelling as a playmaker in netball. These passing consistency drills will help sharpen your skills.

Set up target passing stations using rebound nets or a wall with marked scoring zones. Execute set amounts of each pass type - chest, bounce, overhead - recording your precision. Track progress over time.

Vary the speed, distance, and angle of your passes, but always focus on proper technique. Film your passing sessions to review and identify areas for improvement. Are you fully extending your arms? Snapping your wrists?

Test consistency by executing sequences requiring different pass types. For example, bounce pass to yourself then chest pass to a partner. Work up and down the court hitting targets.

As you build consistency, it is important to simulate game pace and intensity. Do agility drills before passing or have defenders apply pressure. Fatigue reveals flaws.

Make these well-structured passing consistency drills part of your regular training to develop pinpoint accuracy critical for netball success.

9. Passing Vision Drills

Aspect Details
Objective Enhance court vision and awareness for effective passing
Key Points Head-up practice, reading receiver body movements, using full court vision
Drill Variations Peripheral vision drills, full court visualization, reacting to cues
Advanced Techniques Imagining scenarios, leading teammates, space utilization

Having strong court vision and awareness is vital for placing accurate passes to constantly moving teammates in netball. These passing vision drills will help develop this skill.

Work on keeping your head up while executing basic pass sequences with partners. Resist the urge to stare at the ball, instead reading body movements of receivers. Call out creative pass directions, using voices as cues.

Incorporate peripheral vision drills like calling out hand signals held in a partner's periphery. Hit targets without taking eyes off partner to simulate using full court vision. Reaction time and focus is key.

Full court visualisation drills are excellent as well. Scan the whole court before passing, processing player movements and openings. Imagine various scenarios like defenders or blocking passes to strengthen awareness.

Solidifying passing vision through intelligent training drills takes time but pays major dividends. Strive to know where all players are at all times, becoming an expert at leading teammates into space with pinpoint passing.

If you, or you child would like specific pass netball coaching from development to elite levels and you are in Brisbane, the Gold Coast, or the Tweed feel free to book online here.

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